Must do 1500 GK Questions for RBI Grade B Phase 1 GA 2025

₹ 250

Hello Aspirants
We bring to you MUST DO 1500 GK Questions as last minutes preparation.
You will find many direct questions in paper from these Question sets.
We covered all probable Questions on each topic that are relevant for RBI.
We referred last yr papers to choose topics and compile Qs accordingly.

So As part of this Course,

1) You will get 25 GK topic wise tests

2) Must do Questions sets in 10 PDFs. with explanatory answers on economy,finance ,RBI, banking, current affairs, national and international affairs, Awards, books and authors, sports and government schemes and latest appointments, UNO, international organizations, various committees etc !!

3) 500 Static GK Questions sets on geography, banking, economics and finance.

For any query, You can contact us at
or Ping us at 8799234169
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Testimonials by Past students:

Iha Jain : Sir I attempted 68 questions in GA. Because of weak quant, Your GA Material is life saver for me. I could answer that much questions bcz of ur material. thank you so much :)

sunny dona: ‎Hi,
Phase 1, 1st slot for me. It went well.
133 was my attempts.
Thank you for the material. It was very helpful. I nailed GA bcz of U.
I was not able to attend my Phase2 last year, as joining Canara bank and the exam were on the same day.
I feel the toughness in the phase2 last year will continue this year too.
I want to score more, I need guidance to ‎crack phase2 on a higher note. If you really pullout time today, kindly guide me.

Pooja Sharma: Hello sir, Yesterday's rbi exam was good. Thank you for all your material it helped me to solve 59 Q in GA . I attempted 120 questions.

Harman Mann: Hello sir, Hats-off to you. Almost every question in RBI grade B 2017 phase I GK section is from your data. Attempted 59 with high accuracy. You are doing very good job for aspirants like me. Thanks.