Nios Class 12th English Golden Series by Manish Verma
About the Golden Series
This is made specially for Nios Students, because the students do not know How questions are asked and the grammar is asked, so according to the latest syllabus of English, the grammar and of all the chapters has been given in this notes ( Chapter wise only important Questions with solutions ) that the special thing is to solved all the grammar in this format It has been given. so that it is easily understood that you do not read anything other than that because it has been given everything in easy words And covered your entire syllabus will come from this as it is mentioned in the format and exam pattern, along with it, the question papers of the last year of English Class 12th nios board have also been solved, it has been made for both public and on demand students. We can guarantee for Excellence Marks.
यह स्पेशल Nios स्टूडेंट्स के लिए बनाया गया है क्यूंकि स्टूडेंट्स को नहीं पता होता की कैसे Questions और Grammar पूछे जाते है इसलिए हम इंग्लिश के लेटेस्ट सिलेबस के अनुसार सभी चैप्टर्स ** Important Questions with Answers** के ग्रामर को बताया गया है ! इसकी ख़ास बात ये है की इसमें सभी ग्रामर को Solve करके Format के साथ बताया गया है ताकि आसानी से समझ में आ जाये ! आपको इसके अलावा कुछ नहीं पढ़ना क्यूंकि इसमें सब कुछ बताया गया है आसान शब्दों में और आपका पूरा एग्जाम इसी में से आएगा जैसे इसमें बताया गया है फॉर्मेट और एग्जाम पैटर्न ! इसी के साथ इसमें पिछले बर्ष के Questions Papers को भी Solve किया गया है ! यह पब्लिक और ऑन डिमांड दोनों स्टूडेंट्स के लिया बनाया गया है आप इसमें से पढ़ कर अच्छे मार्क्स ला सकते हो इसकी गारण्टी हम देते है !
Topics Covered
1. Extracts passage
2. Question answer from your books (short questions)
3. Long question
4. Extracts passage
5. Long unseen passage
6. Long unseen passage
7. Read passage and complete the statements
8. Read the passage and make a summary
9. Fill in the blanks (passive forms of verb)
10. Fill in the blanks (appropriate verb)
11. Connectors
12. Conversation in indirect speech
13. Write a paragraph of about 100 words
14. Write a letter
16. Note making
Option-1 for receptionist
17. Complete the following statements
18. Sentence matching
19. Receptionists related question for example: - What are the two major problems that a receptionist often faces while handling the phone calls? How does she/he deal with them?
20. Receptionists related question for example :- What is the first thing that a receptionist does on receiving a call
21. Write notes on the given topics
Option-2 for office use
17. Question related to office use
18. What is memo or what way is it different from a letter?
19. Write an e-mail
20. Write a latter
21. True or false
Nios Class 12th English Important Questions With Answers
Nios Class 12th English Exam Pattern
Nios Class 12th English Exam Syllabus
Nios Class 12th English Exam Format
Nios Class 12th English Grammar
Nios Class 12th English Previous Year Solved Papers
Nios Class 12th English Notes By Manish Verma
Team Manish Verma