OSS-101 Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP) ASSIGNMENT 2019
Preparatory Course in Social Sciences (OSS 101) IGNOU
Maximum Marks: 50
Answer all the questions in about 200 words each. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. Discuss the basic components of social sciences and their role and relevance. 10
2. Identify and discuss some of the social problems in India. 10
3. In India there is Unity in Diversity - Discuss. 10
4. What is social stratification? Examine caste and class. 10
5. Discuss environmental degradation. 10
Maximum Marks: 50
i) This section has 25 questions. Each question carries two marks. All questions are compulsory.
ii) Every question has four alternative answers, of these only one is correct. Select the correct answer.
1. Science is a systematic study of:
(1) Phenomena
(2) Economies
(3) Political systems
(4) Dreams
2. In Social Sciences, among many disciplines, social scientists study:
(1) Algebra
(2) Political Science
(3) Anatomy
(4) Physics
3. The Sociologist who studied the problem of suicide in society was:
(1) Weber
(2) Parsons
(3) Durkheim
(4) None of the above
4. A profession in which Social Sciences has a big role to play in is:
(1) Athletics
(2) Boxing
(3) Journalism
(4) All the above
5. The earliest stage of human society is:
(1) Agrarian
(2) Hunting and gathering
(3) Industrial
(4) None of the above
6. Heritage management is a branch of:
(1) Economics
(2) Ayurveda
(3) History
(4) Cultural Studies
7. Social Scientists provide guidelines of ethics to:
(1) Advertisers
(2) T.V. Channels
(3) Print Media
(4) All of the above
8. Human life on earth is roughly:
(1) 100 million years old
(2) 1 million years old
(3) 10 million years old
(4) 10 thousand years old
9. The Cold War went on from:
(1) 1945 to 1990
(2) 1980 to 1990
(3) 1945 to 1980
(4) None of the above
10. Modern world includes:
(1) Urbanisation
(2) Industrialism
(3) Class
(4) All of the above
11. Christopher Columbus discovered America in:
(1) 1492
(2) 1493
(3) 1494
(4) 1491
12. Arthashastra was authored by:
(1) Tenali Rama
(2) Birbal
(3) Kautaliya
(4) Vishakadatta
13. 1857 is famous for the:
(1) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
(2) Sepoy Mutiny
(3) Swadeshi Movement
(4) Quit India Movement
14. The Supreme Court of India consists of:
(1) 26 Judges
(2) 24 Judges
(3) 25 Judges
(4) 29 Judges
15. The Constitutional Head of India is:
(1) The Prime Minister
(2) The President
(3) The Chief Minister
(4) None of the above
16. When the presence of unwanted chemicals in the air affects health it is called:
(1) Land Pollution
(2) Air Pollution
(3) Water Pollution
(4) Sound Pollution
17. The “Blacks”of USA are also known as:
(1) African Americans
(2) American Indians
(3) Latin Americans
(4) All of the above
18. The basic objective of British Colonialism was:
(1) Religious exploitation
(2) Social exploitation
(3) Economic exploitation
(4) None of the above
19. TRYSEM encourages to:
(1) Train women in skill development
(2) Train rural youth for self employment
(3) Train children in skill development
(4) All of the above
20. In ecology a combination of all living and non living elements of an area is called an:
(1) Ecosystem
(2) Environment
(3) Atmosphere
(4) All of the above
21. The economy is divided into:
(1) Primary Sector
(2) Secondary Sector
(3) Tertiary Sector
(4) All of the above
22. Agricultural income in India is:
(1) Taxable
(2) Not taxable
(3) Taxable every alternate year
(4) None of the above
23. People’s associations which assist in the process of governing is called:
(1) Civil Society
(2) Private Society
(3) Moderator Society
(4) All of the above
24. is a form of self government functioning with the participation of the
(1) Gram Palika
(2) Cantonment Board
(3) Nagar Palika
(4) None of the above
25. The Champaran Satyagraha was held by the:
(1) Peasants of Madhya Pradesh
(2) Peasants of Bihar
(3) Peasants of Bengal
(4) Peasants of Gujarat