Panther - Tv : Helps to prevent Fungal Diseases (100 gm) Pack of 3

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₹ 147

It is a IMO Certified bio fungicide.

Contents : It contains Trichoderma Viride

Function :
1. Panther - TV used as bio fungicide for suppression of disease causing fungal pathogens.
2. It is effective against Mildew, Wilting, Steam Rot in all type of vegetable, potato, fruits and flower nurseries.

Dose :
1. Mix 5 gm Panther - TV, 3 gm Cutting Aid , 5 gm Panther - PF in a lit. of water for seedling treatment.
2. It is effective against cut potato tubers or rhizomes, pointed gourd & betel vine
3. Apply 20 kg cow dung manure/ bio fertilizer/ bigha with 1.5 kg Panther - TV during land preparation which help to reduce soil borne disease.

Recommended Crop : Use all types of field crop

Application Time : Early Morning & Evening

Packing Available : 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm , 1000 gm

Pack In : Paper Box

Price : 45/-

Expiry Date : 12 Month (From the date of Manufacturing)