BACT - N P K 1 : Pure Organic Bio Fertilizer (1kg) NPOP certified

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₹ 181

It is a IMO certified Bio - Fertilizer.
BACT - N P K 1 : For vegetables
BACT - N P K 2 : For Paddy
BACT - N P K 3 : For Pulses

Contents : It contains Azotabtor/Azosprillum/Rhizobium like nitrogen (N) fixing bacteria and Phosphate (P)soluble and Potash (K) absorbing bacteria.

1. It provides necessary hormones to crops.
2. It also prevent from insect, pest & disease resulting in cost reduction of pesticide
3. Apply BACT - N P K in all crops to get best result.
4. Here the NPK ratio is 10:10:10

Dose : 2 kg BACT - N P K / Bigha as basal application along with bio fertilizer or mixed with organic manure to get 100% better result.

Recommended Crop : Use all types of field crop.

Application Time : Land preparation.

Pack In : Plastic Bag

Packing Available : 1 kg

Price : 175/-

Expiry Date : 6 Month (From the date of Manufacturing)