Anti Money Laundering, Know Your Customer Video Course

₹ 297

Welcome to this class on Anti Money Laundering , Know Your Customer and Combating Financial Terrorism.
This class briefly covers topics and also covers case studies related to AML, KYC topics.

What you will learn?
- Introduction
- What is Financial Transaction?
- What is Money Laundering?
- How financial institutions are used for money laundering
- Why is money laundered?
- Stages Process of Money Laundering
- Practical Example - Money Laundering Process
- Sources of Dirty Money that is laundered
- Terrorist Financing
- Methods of Money Laundering
- The Financial Intelligence Unit
- PMLA Act 2002
- Reporting of Suspicious Transactions.
- Reports prescribed under PMLA, 2002
- How to behave when faced with an abnormal or suspicious transaction or activity
- CDD- Customer Due Diligence
- “SAFE” approach
- Politically Exposed Persons
- Know Your Customer (KYC)
- Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Red Flags
- Why robust AML-CFT mechanism important?
- International Standards.
- Case Studies