INSPIRO KAS 1000 MCQs Full length General Paper 1 and 2 5 sets in English and Kannada Question and Answer Explanation

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INSPIRO KAS 1000 MCQs Full-length General Paper 1 and 2

5 sets of Paper 1 ( 500 MCQs) and Paper 2(500 MCQs) in English and Kannada in Question and Answer Explanation.


(i) Current events of National and International importance.

(ii) Humanities – History of India – Emphasis shall be on the broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, cultural and political aspects with a focus on Indian national movement with special emphasis on Karnataka.

(iii) World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on Karnataka.

(iv) Indian polity and economy, including the country’s political system, rural development, planning and economic reforms in India-sustainable development, poverty alleviation, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.,


(i) Current events of State importance and important State Government programmes.

(ii) General Science & Technology, Environment & Ecology-contemporary developments in science and technology and their implications including matters of everyday observations and experience, as may be expected of a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific

discipline general issues on Health, environmental ecology, biodiversity and climate change that do not require subject specialization.

(iii) General Mental Ability,- Comprehension, Logical reasoning and Analytical ability, Decision making, problem-solving, Basic innumeracy (numbers and their relations, the order of magnitude etc.,) and data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc.