mojoPlus. India’s First Loyalty & Rewards Program for Businesses
Earn reward points by collecting payments on Instamojo. Redeem points to avail discounts on Instamojo fees, get coupons, subscribe to premium apps and much more.
How mojoPlus Works
Collect Payments
Signup with Instamojo and
start collecting payments via
100+ payment modes.
Earn Points
Get 1 point for every ₹ 100
you receive and an additional
1 point per payment.
Redeem Points
Redeem accrued points to unlock
premium benefits on Instamojo and
enjoy a range of benefits.
mojoPlus reward calculator
Calculate reward points you can potentially accumulate based on how many payments you collect on Instamojo.
Use the calculator to check how it works
Average Transaction Amount
Please enter the amount
Calculate now
Number of
Points You Will Receive(1% of payment amount + 1)
Redeem Points To Avail Premium Services
Leverage earned points to avail a range of benefits and services.
- Earn 1 point for every 100 you receive and an additional 1 point per payment
- Bonus of 1,000 points
- Earn 1 point for each 100 you receive and an additional 1 point per payment
- Bonus of 5,000 points
- Earn 1 point for each 100 you receive and an additional 1 point per payment