GATE CSE 2025 Exam Full Study materials (Ravindrababu Ravula Notes)

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These GATE CSE Handwritten Notes📝 📝 have been taken from Ravindra Babu Ravula e-classes and these GATE CSE Notes are very nicely written in good handwriting to helps students easily grasp the concept and become able to solve the GATE problems.

Note: Notes will be sent to the email address after payment, and Make sure you use your mobile no and email id carefully.

What you will get?

1.All GATE CSE Technical Subjects Handwritten Notes:

(C programming language, Data structure, Algorithm, Theory of Computation, Compiler design, Operating system, DBMS, Computer network, COA and Digital logic)

2.All GATE CSE Non-Technical Subjects Handwritten Notes:

(Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Aptitude and Reasoning and General English)

3.GATE CSE Handwritten Short Notes (Only Technical Subjects)

All the CSE notes provided by our Associate Team Member which are taken from the Ravindrababu Ravulas Latest GATE video Lectures

If you have any questions, please contact us via email at

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