Your business can grow organically. But using data effectively can double that business growth in a matter of months. To help you amplify your business, we bring to you the Shoppr App – a tool that provides insights that truly matter to your business.
What is Shoppr App?
As one of the first offerings of the mojoDeveloper Program, Shoppr is an app that connects to your Instamojo online store using a really simple integration process and gives you access to your store and customer data + analytics.

Track 40+ user metrics with Shoppr App
On Shoppr, your data is divided into:
- Sales
- Orders
- Customers dashboards
Each of these allows you to deep dive into these functions that collectively present 40+ metrics and stats to help you make better decisions for your E-Commerce Business.
Shoppr App features you’ll love
The app comes loaded with advanced features you’ll love looking at:
- Track orders and customers registered over a set period of time on your Instamojo online store
- Set growth targets for your online store as success metrics
- Track growth metrics for a set period of time, without any effort from your side
- Meter & monitor your growth for comparison
Think of the advantage of having a trip meter on your car to track your distance from point A to point B.
Shoppr for your marketing activities
Apart from this, Shoppr also connects with your Instamojo online store’s Marketing Channels like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Mailchimp.
This helps you keep better track of your Marketing Campaign performance along with what’s happening in your store in real-time. You can learn more and sign up for a free trial on
Why should you choose Shoppr App?
Simply because Shoppr can give you gem insights on your Instamojo online store:
- Customers visiting your Instamojo online store
- Trends among buyers
- Patterns that influence your customer buying behavior and more
Shoppr can help you understand:
- Which product/service is the most popular
- When are your products/services selling the most
- At what point are customers dropping off
- Churn and retention patterns of our customer base
- How your marketing campaigns perform
It becomes really crucial to have access to your store’s data in a way where you can better judge how your business is performing. Not only this – the dashboards on Shoppr can also be customized to track your store growth based on a predefined metric. That is, amount of Sales, Orders or Customers, for a set time period, which will allow you to enforce result-driven marketing decisions. This in return will help your business grow.
Make faster and better business decisions with Shoppr
Running ads on your Instamojo store? Sending email campaigns about new products or additions? Get all performance data on Shoppr’s customizable dashboards.
All the information on marketing campaigns is available right inside Shoppr’s Marketing Campaigns dashboard, which will help you save time from switching between platforms and provide better context on the efficiency of your campaigns.
It automatically pairs the campaign data with your Instamojo store’s data on all of Shoppr’s dashboards.
As seen in the snapshot above, you can keep track of customer metrics
- Churn vs. Retention over time – which basically tells you about the value of customers your Marketing Channels are bringing you,
- New vs. Repeat customers on your store that show how loyal your customers are, how often they purchase, etc.
- Distribution of Regions – that show geographies bringing in the most orders and Top selling products.
Similarly, you can also track your store’s orders and sales trends over time, distributed by region, volume, and plotted on a time graph. This helps you realize the months and weeks customers are most likely to come back and spend on your store.
This is especially helpful if yours is a seasonal business.
Shoppr is an MDP Offering!
Last month, we launched the Mojo Developer Program to connect startups and developers to build for the million merchants on Instamojo.
Factoring in how MSME’s make for a large chunk of India’s GDP (8% of GDP in 2016 to forecasted 15% in 2020), Mojo Developers Program provides an opportunity to developers worldwide to enable small scale operators to medium size businesses in India who are yet to have access to industry-standard tools that rest of the segments have been utilizing for the last decade.
Mojo Developer Program is one of the most value-focused initiatives we’ve seen from a tech company in India (and Internationally) so far. The platform helped us connect Shoppr’s technology with Instamojo’s Platform, allowing it to potentially reach to 1,000,000+ MSME’s making use of Instamojo for operating and managing their businesses.
Mojo Developer Program enabled us to build and tailor a product for the largest Business audience in India, helping us truly realise the potential of Shoppr’s cutting edge technology combined with Instamojo’s platform for sellers, making it highly impactful for Small business ecosystem and enabling users on their platform have access to latest tools while also helping developers with resources and guidance to build better products for these users. – Team Shoppr
Shoppr is one of our first offerings on the mojo Developers platform. Want to access cutting-edge technology and growth tools like Shoppr? Sign up to discover the Instamojo App store today!