
CA FINAL - ADVANCED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BY CA. DINESH JAIN [Discount of 40% at academy and 20% Discount for Courier]

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    Soft-copy of the material -

    Third edition book = Question bank + concept book + theory book

    Key Features of Book
    This book is useful for CA Final (New) students and comes with the following features:

    One-stop solution: The book has extensive coverage of theory and practical problems. I have considered the important problems of institute study material, RTP, MTP and suggested answers while preparing the book. This book can act as one-stop solution for students and they need not refer multiple sources for preparation of AFM. It covers 700+ questions and includes relevant questions from old syllabus study material as well

    Theory coverage: The material has extensive coverage of AFM theory in a simple bullet point format. Last day revision notes for theory in concise format has also been provided

    Last day revision notes: One of the most important problems of students is on how to revise day before exam. I have made summary notes covering theory and important adjustments of 600+ problems. Hence a student reading the concept notes can revise all 600+ problems and all theory questions.

    Latest RTP/MTP/SA: We would be covering latest RTP/MTP/SA once they are issued by ICAI through additional material. You can send message to me on +91 90256 40862 to get softcopy of additional material.