Nios Class 12th ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (333) Handwritten Solved TMA English Medium Session 2024-25
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This platform provides Nios Environmental Science (333) TMA Solved with project work for class 12th. Here you can Get Nios Solved Tutor Mark Assignment (TMA) in Good Quality which helps to achieve More and More Marks. Nios Assignment’s Answer Prepared by well Skilled and Experienced Teachers.
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Salient Features:
➛ This Nios Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) is Only valid for 2024-25 Academic Session.
➛ which is Applicable for March/April & October/November 2024 Examination.
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➛ Assignments are prepared by well experienced and Nios Experts.
➛ Answers are available in English Medium.
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➛ All 6 Questions Solved
➛ Project work Question Solved with proper format.
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➛ Solved in A4 Size Pages.
➛ Used Black and Blue pen
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➛ Guaranteed Full Marks
Note -
➛ Total six questions are given by Nios in TMA. All questions have 2 options out of which one has to be selected. In this PDF, we have given you the answer of one option which is better so that your marks will be good.
➛ You have to write the question and answer on the A4 size sheet as given in this PDF.
➛ After writing, the page has to be scanned and made a PDF and upload on the portal of NIOS.
TMA Questions
TMA Questions
1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
What do you understand buffering capacity of the earth and why is it so much important for survival of any organism?
There are given list of some ecosystem. Classify them into natural ecosystem and human modified ecosystem:
Brahmaputra river, Aquaculture, Himalayan Mountain, Tree plantation, Urban ecosystem,Northern Plains of India, Tehri dam, Western Ghats
2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
How can school curriculum play an important role towards environmental conservation and ethics?
Name the technique which is responsible for increasing the fish yield to a large extent. Due to this technique for yielding of fish, a large number of fish population suffer due to expansion of fish farming. Mention any four consequences /problems that you want to highlight and write at least one sentence on for every consequences /problems.
3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
State any one natural disaster. Why should we train local people of a community to deal with emergency.
List three major fossil fuel. Are they renewable or non-renewable resources? Also mention the characteristics of peat, hard coal and intermediate coal.
4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 - 150 words.
List and explain any four kinds of cultivation and farming techniques that can be employed to reduce soil erosion. Also provide reasons too.
i. What is Kalpavriskh?What is its contribution towards society?
ii. Also mention the contribution of Dr Bindeshawar Pathak.
5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 - 150 words.
i. What is meant by hydrological cycle? From where this cycle derive energy for continuing for years?
ii. Why do we consider ground water as a suitable source of water supply in India?
i. Why do we consider hydrogen as very promising clean fuels?
ii. Why do we consider fossil fuel as a limited source of energy?
6.Prepare any one project out of the given below
On 18th December 2023 at around 23.59 30 CST , an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 to 6.2 struck Jishishan County in Gansu Province, China. Such type of natural disasters can happen anywhere in the world too. You can prepare a brief report about 500 words and you can also paste visuals of the above mentioned disaster. Either you can take help to use news
paper cuttings /cuttings from magazines / book /other sources or elders to highlight this disaster with reference to points as mentioned below
a. Name the cities those were affected due to this earthquake.
b. Give reasons why earthquakes are occurring frequently in recent time.
c. Highlight the impact of earthquake on humans, animals and infrastructures etc. of these affected cities.
d. Also write about the management of such type of earthquake (post earthquake )
The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international climate summit, which is held annually unless the Parties (the countries involved) decide otherwise. This convention set out a framework for action aimed at stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to avoid “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” At COPs, world
leaders gather to work together on solutions to tackle climate change. There are now 198 Parties (197 countries plus the European Union) to the Convention, constituting near universal membership. Till date 28 COPs meeting have already been organized. You can use book/internet/ newspaper/magazines/ consultation with your elders/ tutors from your
AI Centre for writing report. Write your report upto 500 words dealing with followings points about COP.
1. What is the main objective of COPs?
2. When and where the first meeting of COPs was held?
3. Write the brief summary of COP-28 meeting.
4. Mention the initiative is being taken by India at COP-28
You can write all information in tabular form. Sample table is as follows:
Note: You can also take help from the lesson-18 and 31-B of your Environmental Science course book or any other resources for preparation of your questionnaire, and report.
NOTE- You will get the answers of all these questions after purchasing the PDF.
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Most Important Facts relating to TMA:
➛ This assignment solution is based on the latest session 2024-25.
➛ The Last date of submission of this assignment is 31 January 2025 (For April examination).
➛ The Last date of submission of this assignment is 31 August 2025 (For Oct. examination).
➛ Submit the assignment file at Your NIOS students portal.
➛ Good Quality Assignments help students to gain better Marks because of its 20% weightage in final Marksheet.
➛ All the assignments are prepared by our well trained and experienced professional Teachers.
➛ Solutions are clear, No any errors, accurate, Most reliable, to the point factual and under the word limit which carry maximum marks.
➛ You can read assignments on your smart phone also.
➛ All assignments are available in PDF format which is easily printable.
How to Make NIOS Assignment File :
➦ Use only one sided lined project paper page.
➦ Do not write in white blank page . avoid it
➦ Use only black and blue ball point pen
➦ Write the answer clearly that will appear good in the sight of teacher.
➦ Avoid zig-zag writing.
➦ Must compile First alluring page (i.e. colorful and attractive)
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