A Complete Book of Puzzle and Seating Arrangement for Banking & Insurance Exams 2019-20 (1st Edition)

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***आपको सफलतापूर्वक भुगतान के बाद ईमेल के माध्यम से पीडीएफ पासवर्ड मिलेगा, इसलिए कृपया भुगतान के लिए सही ईमेल आईडी और मोबाइल नंबर दर्ज करें।

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Language - English
Total Page – 96
Book PDF Size – 4.00 MB
Type – PDF Format (Printable)

Best Book for Puzzle and Seating Arrangement for Banking Exams 2019-20

As we know Puzzle and Seating Arrangement is the most difficult section in the bank and insurance exam. In Reasoning Ability section Puzzle and Seating Arrangement is an important topic which is usually asked in the set of 4-5. If you prepared well, this topic can easily fetch 15-20 questions.

As we all know Puzzles & seating are an important and time-consuming part of Reasoning Ability Section, the one that you can’t escape from. Nowadays so many other miscellaneous topics to are now being asked in the form of Puzzle and Seating Arrangement. The number of questions being asked on puzzles ranges from 50 to 55 percent of the total number of questions in the Reasoning Ability Section.

High Level Puzzle and Seating Arrangement Book PDF
The pattern Puzzle & seating Arrangement is usually based (linear, circular, triangular, rectangular and sometimes hexagonal even), Floors, Tabular form, Blood Relations, etc. They can be asked in 2-4 variables, depending on the difficulty level of every different question. A mix of Seating Arrangement and Blood Relations is also being frequently asked in the examinations.
At Let’s Study Together (LST) we understand our student’s requirement and keeping it in mind, so LST Team created a Very special 250 New pattern Puzzle & seating Arrangement Practice Book in PDF format to help you study smarter and move closer to success.

Best Book for Puzzle and Seating Arrangement (Practice Book)
In this Puzzle and Seating Arrangement PDF, you will get 50+ set of Puzzle and Seating Arrangement Questions with detailed solutions. This Puzzle and Seating Arrangement Practice Book PDF is very important for upcoming LIC AAO, SBI PO, CWC, IBPS PO/Clerk, IBPS RRB PO/Clerk, Insurance exams and other competitive exams in 2019-20.

The salient feature of LST Special “250 New pattern Puzzle & seating Arrangement Practice Book”-

-250 New Pattern Puzzle and Seating Arrangement.
- Expect the Unexpected ones [Surprised Pattern] for both Prelims & Mains Exam
- More than 10 Types of Puzzles & Sitting Arrangement with Detailed Solutions
- Memory Based Questions asked in Previous SBI, IBPS, RBI & Other Examinations

Note: यदि आपका कोई सुझाव है जिससे हम इस “500+ New pattern Puzzle & seating Arrangement Practice Book”की गुणवत्ता सुधार सकते हैं तो अवश्य ही हमें कमेन्ट में बतायें, हम आपके सुझाव जानने तथा सुधार करने के लिए तत्पर हैं|

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